Editorial Guidelines

Realty Wire LLC’s editorial staff reviews all news articles before distribution.

Realty Wire LLC news articles must contain a clear, timely and newsworthy angle and be free of advertising hype. News articles should incorporate the following features/qualities:

Common news angles include timely information about a new product or service, a business expansion or recent event, an organizational milestone like an anniversary or award or the issuance of a tip sheet or expert opinion on a topic currently in the news. This news must be clearly stated in the headline as well as the body.

For news involving court cases, Realty Wire LLC requires a case number, court of record, complaint number or other sufficient documentation for all news articles referencing legal action or criminal matters.

Realty Wire LLC news articles must contain a valid contact name, phone number, and e-mail address in the contact information.

News articles should be free of spelling and grammatical errors, and should be written entirely in English.

Realty Wire LLC news articles cannot contain HTML tags and other formatting such as non-standard characters, tables or forced line breaks. Releases also should not be written partially or entirely in all capital letters.

Before submitting your release, please ensure all links in your release are functional.

News and feature images, articles, opinion columns, editorials or news stories from other websites or publications, especially if they are copyrighted, are not news articles.

Realty Wire LLC does not publish releases that promote or link to online gambling.

Realty Wire LLC does not publish releases that promote or link to payday, short term or other unsecured loan services.

Realty Wire LLC’s editorial staff reviews all news articles before distribution. Realty Wire LLC has the final say in determining what content is appropriate for distribution. These guidelines are meant to supplement Realty Wire LLC’s terms of service which require users to be responsible for the content and accuracy of all information submitted to us.